em( "caption ").attributes.append( $pop) | Out-Null value = ( Get-Ciminstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem -Property caption -cimsession $cs).caption Type in cmd for the command-prompt or Powershell.
#Disable you need to format the disk popup powershell windows
Also, you can press the Windows key + S to bring up the Windows search. The easiest way to get to PowerShell is to press the Windows Key + X and click on Windows PowerShell (Admin). A) Copy and paste the command below into the elevated PowerShell, and press enter. To Check Current State (Enabled or Disabled) of Windows PowerShell 2.0. #add the computer name as the table caption The simple solution is to always run the command prompt as administrator. 2 Do step 3 (check), step 4 (enable), or step 5 (disable) below for what you want to do. $html = $drives | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment #convert drive objects to HTML but as an XML document If using a header the title must be inserted here.įont-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace īackground-image: -mso-linear-gradient(left, #0A802D " -f ( $item. Write-Verbose "Starting $ ( $MyInvocation. $Path = " $ env:temp\utilization.htm " , Throw "Can't verify part of the file path $_ "

$ReportTitle = "Drive Utilization Report " , You can verify results with a command like Get-Volume." -logopath c:\scripts\logo.pngĬreate a report for the specified servers and insert pre- and post-content. PS C:\> New-HTMLDiskReport -Path c:\work\report.htm -Computername SRV1,SRV2,SRV3 -Precontent "Company Confidential" -PostContent "This report is offered as-is. In Windows PowerShell window, enter Disable-BitLocker -MountPoint 'X:' command and run it. To do that quickly press Windows Key + X to open the popup menu and choose Windows PowerShell (Admin) from the menu. The report will be saved to c:\work\diskreport.htm Decrypt used disk space only: Allows you to decrypt only the disk space that is currently used by the drive file. PS C:\> get-content c:\work\computers.txt | New-HTMLDiskReport -path c:\work\diskreport.htmĬreate a single report for every computer listed in computers.txt.

Directory: C:\Users\Jeff\AppData\Local\TempĬreate a report for the local host using default settings.